14 September! 11 to 3 pm! In Oetlishausen
Save the date!
The rose group Thurgau will be holding their annual plant sale in Oetlishausen again!
AND we will be offering lots of potted bearded iris again!
And another thing, it is also autumn market in Hohentannen!
'das IrisFeld'
is a project that started in 2018 with the aim of establishing an iris display garden in the eastern part of Switzerland.
Inspired by the iris field at the Merian Gardens in Basel, our aim is to put together a bearded iris collection that will appeal not only to fellow iris and garden enthusiasts but also the casual admirer. We would like to share our passion for this beautiful plant which comes in all colours of the rainbow and encourage more people to grow them in their gardens.
'das IrisFeld' is located in the picturesque village of Oetlishausen by Hohentannen, in the canton of Thurgau.
The property also boasts a beautiful garden with a lovely collection of roses and boxwoods interplanted with an array of perennials.
Our dream is to establish one of the largest tall bearded iris collections in the eastern part of Switzerland.
Iris beds interplanted with roses to ensure a bloom display during the entire gardening season.
Both the iris field and the main garden are open for public viewing during the entire bloom season.
If you are interested in bearded iris or roses, you won’t be disappointed – pay us a visit.